New UX/UI Design Tools — OpenAI Sora, LottieFiles Creator & More

A new selection of the best UI UX tools. Some have already gone viral, so trying them in action is fascinating. Ready to dive into a world of new possibilities? Let’s get started!
3 min readMar 19, 2024
Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

LottieFiles Creator

LottieFiles Creator is designed to create ultra-lightweight, customisable, interactive animations for apps, websites, and social networks. With an intuitive interface and features such as keyframes and animation settings, you can easily experiment with motion. The development team is going to add more valuable features in the future.

OpenAI Sora

This tool works like a GPT chatbot. You write a prompt, and a video is generated based on it. The best part is that the result looks like a team working on the video. Another plus of Sora is that you can upload a finished video and ask the app to edit it. For example, you can add an object to one of the scenes in the video or change the style. Try testing it out; you might find yourself using Sora instead of a video editor.

Penpot 2


Penpot 2 is a free and open-source platform similar to Figma. It is suitable for product teams and has many interesting features not implemented in Figma. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to Penpot 2.

AI Ideator

AI Ideator is a site with attractive functionality. For example, you can use it to create multiple iterations of a design and ask it to create certain features, such as an image gallery. Check out the site; you might find its functionality useful for your projects.

Framer Drams

On the Framer Drams website, you will find components created according to Dieter Rams’ design principles: “less but better”.

You can use components from the library for your sites and apps, or you can get involved in the site’s content — shaping, curating, collecting, remixing and submitting Framer-based creations to be posted on the site. It’s an exciting initiative and project.

Abstract 3D icons

This site offers free 3D icons by Arti. They are created using a blender.

Share your findings, exciting tools and discoveries from February-March in the comments.

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